Tuesday, July 27, 2021

What drives violence?

 Ocala, FL Headline in the Orlando Centinel Newspaper: Police & Community leaders working to address a recent rash of gun violence.

Now, I take some offense to this headline. Mostly because there has been a rash of violence where guns weren't used, but that hasn't made the news. Why does it take using a firearm to get their attention? Is gun violence somehow worse than any other violence? I would say not! Violence, of any kind, is illegal and should be frowned upon by all. Why aren't they calling attention to Domestic Violence or Road Rage incidents as often as they do guns? There are more instances of road rage every day than there is "gun violence". Why aren't we educating the communities about driving courteously? Domestic Violence occurs in households day and night across the world. Why aren't we calling more attention to the plight of those affected by domestic violence? 

Why is gun violence more important when any kind of violence, using any kind or type of weapon, albeit a gun, knife, degradation, or vehicular. They are all just as worthy of our full attention. Are you paying attention yet? 

It all boils down to politics. Somebody decided that they didn't like guns because "guns can kill people". No. Just, no. Guns don't kill people. Bad people kill people. If someone wanted to kill you and they didn't have access to a gun, they could use a knife, a rock(you know, like how Cain killed his brother Abel in the Old Testament), fire, a vehicle, electricity, chainsaw, ax, hatchet, plane, train, pills, poison, and the list goes on and on. 

Guns are not the problem. What we have is a HEART PROBLEM! Too many people with bad hearts. Maybe they haven't heard the gospel. Maybe they weren't raised to treat others with respect. Maybe they grew up around violence and that is all they know. Whatever the case may be, it still boils down to being a heart problem. Discord in the hearts of people, children, adults, legal guardians, it all gets passed down from one generation to the next. 

It really is sad to watch a country that I used to love 'till death do us part' fall into the hands of political activists that want to strip us "law-abiding citizens" of our constitutional, and God-given, rights. 

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